Wenig Funeral Homes
Mr. Wenig of Wenig Funeral Homes had definite ideas of how best to utilize his facility. After thorough planning, we provided recommendations for cosmetic changes. Paint colors, replacement decorative lighting, ceiling options, cabinetry, counter and flooring options. FFH design then pulled from our many manufacturers to provide not just furniture, fabric and drapery – but also hard surface flooring and pattern carpet. The community seems thrilled with the changes – and that’s important to us.
Before and After
Mr. John Wenig of Wenig Funeral Homes asked FFH design to assist in the remodel of his funeral home. Perimeters included low overall cost, specific time for completion, staying open during the remodel and adding a functional freshness to the space. Mr. Wenig also wanted to update AV during the remodel. We (FFH) also wanted recognize the Wenig family for their many contributions to the community. We were able to lighten the space, add pops of color, customize the carpet and update the coffee area to complete a warm and welcoming space for their families.